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Relational Life Resources

FREE Relational Life Therapy (RLT) tools and resources. Download worksheets, guides, and more. 

#2 |  Affirming Your Self-Worth

This worksheet helps you practice the Healthy Self-Esteem skills you learned in Workshop video #2. You can use it as a daily practice to affirm your worth. And a reminder to hold yourself and others in equal and warm regard.

#1 | Witnessing Your Mind Worksheet 

This fantastic worksheet is a great way to practice the skills you learned in Workshop video #1. It's designed to help you notice when you’re upset or stressed and what adaptive strategies you’ve learned to cope with those feelings.

#3 | Responsible Time-Outs

The Boundaries Workshop explains why boundaries are crucial and how good boundaries support our closest relationships. This list helps you practice boundaries with Terry Real's 10 New Rules of Time Out to help you and your partner take responsible breaks and de-escalate disagreements.

#4 | The Relationship Grid

Most of us, on a good day, know how to communicate with our partner.
How to listen, advocate for our needs, and connect. The problem is, we all
have days or moments when we’re stressed or overwhelmed, and our relational brain goes offline. Workshop #4 explains the different ways you can show up when you're overwhelmed. This follow-up exercise helps you figure out what that typically looks like for you and your partner. 

#5 | Losing Strategies

We all have certain ‘losing strategies’ we use in our relationships. The problem is, they don’t work. Workshop #5 explains why instead of giving us what we want most–connection, they distance us from our partners. These resources are designed to help you and your partner identify which strategies you gravitate toward and help you break the cycle.

#6 | Adaptive Child & Wise Adult

Video #6 explains how we all have negative relationship strategies we use when we’re upset. You learned these skills as a child when you had to adapt and survive. These coping skills are completely normal but not always healthy for adults. This special exercise helps you heal, live in your wise adult brain, and take care of your inner child.

#7 | Core Negative Image

Video #7 explains how everyone has a Core Negative image (CNI) about their partner. Think of it as an exaggerated version of them at their worst. The problem is that our partners also have a CNI about us. But powerful things happen when we learn how to 'bust' our partners' CNI by doing things that contradict it. This exercise helps you use your CNIs as a compass.

#8 | The 5 Winning Strategies

Video #8 explains how you can use the 5 Winning Strategies to nurture and protect your relationship. Reviewing them together and talking about which winning strategies you've mastered and which you want to try more often is a good place to start.

#9 | The Feedback Wheel

Video #9 explains how the feedback wheel empowers you as a couple to effectively share and receive feedback. Think of it as a practical script that helps you stop fights before they happen and break free when you get stuck in an argument. This exercise helps you practice those skills by reframing a recent argument. 

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