Get the Relationship You Deserve

Self-Paced Couples Workshop
I've seen so many clients want and deserve relationship help but not be able to get it. Maybe their partner didn't want to try couples counseling. Or they couldn't afford the cost. Maybe there just wasn't a good time. If that resonates, I made this for you. It's designed for anyone who wants to fight less and connect with their partner more.
I took my popular in-person workshop and turned it into a 9-video series deep dive into the Terry Real Relational Life therapy model. It's a relationship approach that literally made me want to switch my practice as a therapist to go into couples counseling. It changed my life, and I know it can change yours.

Video #1
Key Relationship Principles
This FREE 30-minute video covers:
Overview of the Relational Life Therapy Model
Why I’m so passionate about the RLT model as a therapist
​The 5 key RLT relationship principles
Video #2
Having Healthy Self-Esteem
In this 24-minute video you'll learn:
How to live out of a place of healthy esteem
Why we can’t EARN our worth
How to be kind to yourself despite your flaws
Video #3
How to Have Boundaries
In this 20-minute video you'll learn:
Why boundaries are not for others but for you
How to identify your typical boundary style
How to set healthy boundaries
Video #4
The Relationship Grid
​In this 18-minute video you'll learn:
The Relationship Grid and how it works
How to identify where you usually show up on the grid
​How to get out of your negative strategies and into health
Video #5
The 5 Losing Strategies
In this 20-minute video you'll learn:
The 5 Losing Relationship Strategies
Why these strategies don’t work and are hurtful
How to identify which losing strategies you gravitate towards
Video #6
Adaptive Child & Wise Adult
In this 20-minute video you'll learn:
How we learn to adapt and protect ourselves as kids
How to get out of ‘knee-jerk responses’ and into our wise adult selves
How to heal our inner wounded children
Video #7
Core Negative Image
​In this 26-minute video you'll learn:
How Core Negative Images (CNI) work and impact your relationship
How to identify and normalize your CNIs
How to stop frustrating your partner and reinforcing their negative perceptions
Video #8
The 5 Winning Strategies
In this 41-minute video you'll learn:
The 5 Winning Strategies and how they work
How these strategies nurture and protect your relationship
Practical ways you can put these strategies into practice
Video #9
The Feedback Wheel
In this 39-minute video you'll learn:
The Feedback Wheel approach and how it works
How this model empowers you to effectively share and receive feedback
Practical strategies for stronger communication